Mendota Heights Painters

Interior and Exterior Painting Services

If you need a painting contractor in Mendota Heights, call Tenet Painting. Our interior and exterior painting professionals are ready to tackle your painting projects - from interior painting to exterior house painting and trim, we have the experience and knowledge to handle your Mendota Heights painting projects.

"We are very happy!"
Mr. & Mrs. O'Hehir
High Ridge Circle, Mendota Heights (2006)
"On the job, the Tenet crew worked very hard to guarantee customer satisfaction. They were very professional, courteous and a pleasure to work with. I appreciated when I was informed of delays."
Mr. & Mrs. Zimmerman
Downing Street, Mendota Heights (2003)
"We were very pleased with both the quality of work and the professionalism of the entire crew."
Mr. & Mrs. Dorn
Orchard Circle, Mendota Heights (2004)

Mendota Heights Painting Services

Interior Painting

Exterior Painting

Other Services

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